Gentle Heart Animal Advocacy is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
We are grateful for your support. EIN/Tax ID: 82-2316232.
How to Donate
There are several ways to make a donation:
One Time or Recurring Donations with PayPal:
PayPal allows you to choose to make your donation recur monthly. You can do so with or without a PayPal account. It’s a simple process for both the donor and recipient. If a recurring payment is not possible at this time you can make a onetime contribution through PayPal.
Donate through the link below or find us on PayPal using –
One Time Donations with Venmo:
Donations by Mail:
Checks and money orders payable to Gentle Heart Animal Advocacy can be mailed to:
Gentle Heart Animal Advocacy
PO Box 617
Williams, OR 97544
Establish Recurring Payments with your Bank:
If you do online banking you probably have this service available to you and it’s easy to set up. Otherwise you can contact your financial institution see if they offer this service. If they do this is the ideal method for us as there are no fees associated with it and your entire contribution goes to support the animals.