About Us

Gentle Heart Animal Advocacy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives and promoting the welfare of all animals.

Our primary focus is to create sanctuary for domestic cats and to help address feline homelessness and overpopulation. Our secondary focus is to help any other species in need. All are deserving.

Our sanctuary is home to about 40 cats as well as 2 dogs, 6 goats and 1 love bird. Our plan is to improve and expand the sanctuary within the limitations of our current location, and to subsequently acquire land that we will dedicate to a large scale cat sanctuary which can accommodate all manner of hard-to-place cats — untamed, community, feral, those requiring extra or special care due to health, medical or behavior issues, long term fosters, refugees and rescues, and families who would be split up if they went into shelters.

Our goal is to grow within our means and limit intake to the numbers we can adequately care for, which will always be a challenging balancing act when there are so many in need. Because of this intense need, we’ve made it a central part of our mission to address animal homelessness and overpopulation in a meaningful way.

As much as we are able, we spay and neuter feral cats. Because we don’t yet have a true feral cat sanctuary, we are mostly limited to situations where the cats can continue living where they are and have someone to feed and look after them. As we grow and expand our sanctuary and find new sanctuary spaces we will scale up this component of our work, and once we are able to take in entire groups of feral cats we expect this to become a major part of our service.

We also assist community members who want to have their animals spayed or neutered and need a little help with the process. This includes consultation, navigation of the veterinary and voucher process, funding, transport and support with their animal’s recovery.

In addition to maintaining our sanctuary and caring for its animals, our work with feral cat populations and community outreach and support, much of our time and resources are dedicated to the support of other sanctuaries and any animals anywhere who are uncared for or in peril.

We welcome all questions and feedback from our community and from the public. Or if you need assistance in any way with any animal in your care or who you are trying to help, we will try. You may contact us using any of these methods, or through our Facebook page.

We currently depend solely on donations to feed and care for our animals and to fund this work (though we are doing our best to navigate grants and other funding opportunities). Donation info can be found here.

Thank you to all who care and who help animals in whatever ways you are able to.

In gratitude and service,


How To Donate